Cordillera Coffee has recently opened its doors to interested franchisees.
WHY a Cordillera Coffee franchise
Unique selling point: the finest mountain coffee – the Arabica
Tagged as ‘the king of coffees’, the Arabica is the best variety there is. Grown in the shady mountains of the Cordillera region, it is the perfect location for producing quality green beans. When roasted, the beans give a fresh, rich aroma. The Arabica makes a full-bodied cup when brewed. Coffee connoisseurs have commented that this variety is among the best in the world, on a par with Jamaica’s Blue Mountain coffee. One of the best benefits the Arabica has, healthwise, is that it makes one palpitate less. This is because the higher the quality of coffee, the lesser its caffeine content.
Promoting Philippine pride
To compete globally, Filipinos must go back to their roots. If we try to be ‘like’ other nationalities, we will never fare. As one advertising guru has put it, “We can never out-American the Americans. The way to be global is to be truly Filipino.”
Cordillera Coffee recognizes this truth, and encourages nationalism by supporting and promoting native products. The Philippines is a country of rich natural resources, and we need people who put it into its best possible use.
Most people don’t know we have the best coffee variety in our country. Through Cordillera Coffee, we aim to increase an appreciation for our own, an awareness that growth will happen when we have a sense of nation; a pride for our own.
Social-oriented business
A business that pushes fair trade for the local farmers is a fulfilling venture. A synergy, win-win scenario between the farmers who plant and harvest the coffee, and the entrepreneurs who finance ways to market the coffee is the aim of Cordillera Coffee.
It has been a practice by middlemen in some areas to buy coffee really cheap from the farmers and sell them at a high margin to end-consumers. The farmers, barely making ends meet, agree to these terms. This unfair trade has damaged most of society and it is in this area that a business venture can make a difference.
HOW much does a franchise cost?
The franchise package is reasonable. It includes the official company operations manual, coffee training, and business consultation.
WHOM to get in touch with
We’d like to meet with you personally to answer your queries. If your schedule does not permit, you may contact Mary Grace Arboleda Young or Iona Arboleda Santos through telephone numbers (02)4360324, (02)4330634 and telefax number (02)4368244. Email questions to
WHEN to stop by for a chat
We can set a meeting with you during business hours, or at your convenient time. Coffee shop is open Mondays to Saturdays, from 8:30 AM until 10:00 PM.
WHERE to find us
Cordillera Coffee is located in a cozy spot within Loyola Heights. Drop in for a cup of our brew at Unit 104 Llanar Bldg. Xavierville Ave. cor B. Gonzales St. Loyola Heights QC. Our shop is among the homey stores in the building in front of the new Xavierville 1 gate.